It’s already been two weeks since we lost Michael. It still seems surreal that he’s gone. It all went so quickly. I’m still trying to figure things out.
Michael had been at Misericordia since he was two years old. So in a sense I didn’t grow up with him. He wasn’t a daily physical presence like my parents, or my older brother Chris, or my friends. In the beginning my visits were weekly. Every Sunday morning we’d drive down to see him. As an adult living on my own in the city, my visits were less frequent. Maybe once a month or so.

I was eleven when Michael was born. What should have been a happy time in our lives quickly turned into a dark period for all of us. We all suffered in our own unique way. I suffered in silence. After being the youngest for so long, I was now the middle child. When I was little, before Michael was born, I was loud, rambunctious, outgoing, controlling, a bit whiny, and sometimes a brat. I was the youngest, after all, with an older brother who loved to terrorize me.
After Michael’s birth I realized I had to change. My parents had so much on their plate to worry about, I didn’t want them to worry about me. I had to grow up and stay out of trouble as much as I could. Michael’s birth had such an impact on me, I often wonder who I’d be if he’d never been born. Some of you may have noticed that I like to keep to myself sometimes; I don’t like to be a bother to anyone. That’s all because of Michael. That outgoing and controlling side still comes out, though. It’s nice to know a piece of pre-Michael me is still there.
Chris and I each gave our own eulogy at the service. At first neither of us were sure we’d make it through, but we got up there and said what needed to be said. I asked the question I was sure everyone was asking: Why did God let Michael suffer for 28 years? What was the purpose?

Thank you, Michael, for all that you've given us, and all that you sacrificed.
I love you Dani! THank you for sharing all of this. I know you have more toshare and you will when you feel up to it. I often wonder why God tests us the way he does. Why do so many people have to go through all the things like Mikey went through? MIkey was avery strong and obviously full of spirit and not letting these things bring him down sooner than when it was time. MIkey had a big heart and I know it is tough to think of him gone. It doesnt seem real. Mikey was a blessing and he taught everyone who came in contact withhim. We may not understand the lesson he was to teach right now, but in time it will come. We cant take things or people for granted for we don't know how long we will have them. We need to cherish all the time we are have. We need to see the beauty in all that surrounds us. We need to give each persont he opportunity to shine and make their way on the path they are encountering. Everyone has something to contribute and Mikey was here to teach compassion, love and so much more to anyone and everyone. He may not have expressed things the way you and I can, but he had his way of doing so. MIkey has always been in good Hands. God has always protected him and allowed Mikey to conquer the battles that were needed. We may never understand Gods purpose or it may not be what we think it should, but there is a reason things happen. Think about Mikey and rmemeber everything he taught. Remember hs contagious smiles, laughter, rolling his eyes if he didnt like something. Think of all the times you shared. I love you Dani! :) It will get better in time. Mikey is always with you. He is your Guardian Angel.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Michelle, for the wonderful words of encouragement. Mikey is my guardian angel, and I tend to rely on him :-)
ReplyDeleteMikey's got your back! :)
ReplyDeleteYou have been writing about Mikey, as crazy as it may sound (and certainly not trying to be disrespectful or cruel), Mikey has left us to pursue the heavens be free of anything that ailed him and leave you to finish your writing. You now can share with whomever you want. Over time you have stated that you need to write and work on your book, well. . . .I think your lil bro is commanding you to finish what you have started. You may find what you r looking for if you do. You have a lot to share and a way to help anyone and everyone who is experiencing and or experienced what you have. You have a voice and you also can be Mikeys voice. Love you. :)
ReplyDeleteI've thought of that! I hope Mikey pushes me to finish this book. Thanks, Michelle. Love you too.
ReplyDeleteHi Dani! I didn't want to post here but couldn't find your email address. The contest was open to everyone who entered, not just the daily winners. I picked a random person again from each day to drop into the hat when I did the big drawing, so if your name was there, and picked your number, your name was thrown into the bowl for the big prize. I didn't just enter the previous winners for the grand prize. In fact, none of the previous winners names were chosen to win the big drawing. Sorry if it wasn't clear in the way I explained it on the video! Also, sorry to explain it on this post, especially. If I didn't explain this right, just send me an email and I'll try to go through it again. I realize that writing/explaining it this way is kinda odd.
ReplyDeleteThis was a very beautiful post. Every time I read something you say on FB or see you there, I think of what you must be going through.
ReplyDeleteThanks for clarifying the drawing, Stephanie. I just misunderstood it. And thanks for the kind words on my blog.